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Кога Кучики (朽木 響河, Кутики Ко:га) был третьим офицером шестого отряда, позже восставшим против Сейрейтея. Он также был членом благородной семьи Кучики, принятый в нее после женитьбы.


У Коги проникновенные зеленые глаза, темные волосы, доходящие до плеч.

Кога кучики

Кога в молодости.

Предпочитает зачесывать их на правую сторону, так как на левой носит кенсейкан - головной убор, символизирующий его принадлежность к знатному клану Кучики (позже он отрезал кенсейкан, чтобы отказаться от статуса Кучики). Когда он был членом Готей 13, он носил стандартную форму синигами, бисер-ожерелье на груди, которую так же прикрывал длинный красный шарф, развевающийся по ветру, а на талии был завязан лиловый пояс. Прежде стройный, высокий, крепкого телосложения, после нескольких сотен лет заточения он превратился в иссохшую и истощенную копию себя прежнего.


Kога — синигами, преисполненный чувством долга и собственного достоинства. Всегда стремился верно служить своему отряду и быть предметом гордости для своей семьи. Он всегда старался оставаться скромным и серьёзным в любой ситуации. Однако на самом деле Кога желал получить признание за свои способности и трудолюбие. После того, как его предали, и он понял, что жизнь больше никогда не станет такой, как прежде, он впал в ярость, что сделало его одержимым гневом и желанием стать великим. Он стал слишком уверенным в своих силах и смотрел свысока на всех, даже на свой занпакто - Мурамасу


История персонажа не переведена с английского.

Кога использует силу своего дзанпакто Мурамасы.

За несколько сотен лет до настоящего времени Кога был приглашен в семью Кучики как зять Гинрея Кучики. Вскоре он приобрел большое уважение всем Обществом душ. Он в качестве 3-его офицера шестого отряда участвовал в битве между правительственными и повстанческими фракциями Общества душ, одержав решающую победу в одиночку. Коге Кучики было дано много похвал и наград лично от главнокомандующего Генрюусая Шигекуни Ямамото.[1]


Когу хвалит Генрюусай за способности в бою.

Генрюусай всё больше беспокоился за Когу, так как он был слишком самоуверен в своих силах и ему необходимо было научиться себя контролировать. Кога взял это в расчёт, но он никогда не понимал почему Генрюусай не признаёт его силу и не принимает его. Он мог спокойно общаться со своим дзанпакто, Мурамасой, тем самым его вера в себя возрастала всё больше. Как только он одержал победу в битве выиграв каждый бой без особых усилий, он получает специальную должность "Капитан отряда" за свои усилия, став капитаном особого отряда под его командованием, его отряд должен был полностью уничтожить оставшихся мятежников. [1]

Koga and Muramasa surrounded by Onmitsukido

Kōga and Muramasa are surrounded by the Onmitsukidō.

When it became clear that he may very well be the key to winning the war, the enemies, which included three elites, came up with a plan to frame him as a traitor. They achieved this by having their own men attack Kōga knowing he would easily dispatch them and then charging him with the murder and having him arrested. Ginrei arrived to see what happened but upon one of the fallen soldiers admission that Kōga sacrificed them for his own battle lust, he had no choice but allow Kōga's arrest until he could determine a way to clear him. [1]

Muramasa breaks Koga from prison

Muramasa materialises, freeing Kōga from imprisonment.

Ginrei visited him in jail and detailed that his punishment had been handed down. He was for the next few hundred years to be suspended from his seat in the 6th Division and it was determined that his Zanpakutō was a threat to the peace, therefore its powers would be nullified. Ginrei noted to him that he didn't believe any of it but that the top brass had a problem with his Zanpakutō and its ability. He further explained that they weren't afraid of him but Muramasa getting out of control. Ginrei then left Kōga there to learn patience as he went to rectify the situation. Kōga was later freed by Muramasa who inspired him to take control of his life again.[1]

Koga ambushes the officials who framed him

Kōga ambushes and kills the officials who framed him.

That night Kōga killed the elites who framed him. Upon hearing of this Ginrei went in search of Kōga and found him in the outskirts of Soul Society. Ginrei confronted him about his actions, and Kōga explained that he killed the elites for their betrayal, hoping that deep down, they would regret their choice to frame him, but he had found them laughing. He noted that even after killing them he was still filled with anger for what they had done to him and the humiliation he had endured.[2]

Koga's instability grows

Kōga's instability grows, gradually making him believe that everyone opposed him.

Ginrei remarked that any chance at proving his innocence was gone and that his rash decisions now put him in a worse position and he will probably be executed. Kōga, upon hearing this, suffered a breakdown and accused Ginrei of being like all the others and being jealous of him. Kōga decided to stage a personal revolt against Soul Society and all his enemies. As he killed more people his instability grew. When Muramasa noticed that Kōga's heart has become turbulent, he tried to tell Kōga to forget the past and focus on the future, but Kōga became too obsessed with the idea that everyone hated him and that he couldn't understand why.[2]

Koga mocks Muramasa for believing that they are equals

Kōga chokes Muramasa, ultimately creating a sense of disharmony between Shinigami and Zanpakutō.

While fighting against a group a Shinigami, he attempted to release Muramasa and found there was no response. He tried again and Muramasa appeared. While he sat alone in a cave Muramasa appeared and asked him why he would kill innocent bystanders, to which Kōga remarked that he was teaching Soul Society a lesson for exiling him from their world. Soon he was even abusing Muramasa when he was anything less than absolutely obedient. This disharmony between them gradually caused Kōga to lose his ability to communicate with Muramasa, or even access his power.[2]

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Kōga sealed in the Shisō Kekkai spell cast by Yamamoto.

В конце концов Genryūsai Shigekuni Ямамото и Ginrei Кучики столкнувшись с Кога после обмена словами, они поняли, что не могут пробиться к нему. They engaged in a minor battle and Kōga went to release Muramasa with no results. The two captains decided to take advantage of the situation and move to seal Kōga away when they realized he had lost total access to Muramasa's power.[2] Kōga's revolt was never recorded in Soul Society's history.[3]

Силы и способности

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Реацу Коги.

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Kōga wields one of the halberd

Byakuya & Koga Kuchiki Battle

Kōga uses the blades he was sealed with to battle Byakuya.

Мастер владения мечом: Невероятно сильный синигами. До освоения шикая, когда он был третим офицером, Кога с легкостью сражался на уровне капитана и мог уничтожить целую группу врагов одним мощным ударом. Его навыки универсальны. Обучен использовать различное холодное оружие. Благодаря своим навыкам мечника сражался с Бьякуей Кучики и Сенбонзакурой на равных.

Мастер поступи: Кога показал себя опытным мастером сюнпо. Его скорость почти на одном уровне с Кучики Бьякуей. В бою Кога продемонстрировал свои отточенные рефлексы, которые позволяли ему увернуться от атак Бьякуи и оставаться невредимым.[4]

Эксперт Кидо: Кога отлично владеет Кидо. Он единственный кто использовал адамантитовый взрыв и многие другие атакующие и защитные заклятия. Также Кога может использовать кидо без заклятия сохраняя его мощь.[4]

Большая физическая сила: Даже будучи ослабшим, он мог на равных сражаться с Бьякуей Кучики. Также Кога уничтожил свой зампакто ударом кисти.[4]

Гигантская духовная сила: Несмотря на происхождение и возраст, Кога владел невероятной духовной силой даже тогда, когда был третьим офицером. Гинрей, являвшийся в то время капитаном шестого отряда,видел, что сила Коги значительно превосходит его собственную. Он показывает сильную реяцу даже после многовекового заточения.[2] Его реяцу окрашена в фиолетовый цвет. Навыки и владение духовной энергией позволяют продемонстрировать всё разнообразие его способностей.


Kōga using his Illusions.

  • Иллюзии: Muramasa can control other Zanpakutō but its ability is just apart of Kōga's own special ability. He can send his reiatsu into his enemies and and throw off all of their senses. He then has complete control over what they perceive. Thus making it so his opponent cannot even see him clearly though he is right in front of him. Kōga states it is so much more then simple illusions. This power can be negated by one closing their "hearts" off before challenging him.[4]
  • Духовные нити: Kōga is able to form invisible spiritual threads to bind his opponent in place. While powerful, these threads can only be manifested through reflective surfaces such as a building's windows or clear water, where they can be seen. In turn sufficient cutting can easily break the threads.[5]

Духовный меч

Мурамаса перенаправляется сюда. Про духа, появлявшегося в арках Восстание духовных мечей и Мечи-звери, см. Мурамаса (дух).

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Muramasa and its sheath

Мурамаса (村正, «деревенский»): Kōga's Zanpakutō takes the form of a katana with a dull red sheath, purple hilt-wrapping and a guard in a shape similar to the Kidō Corps' emblem, consisting of a circle with a pentagon-like shape in the center and three points protruding from the edges evenly spaced apart. Muramasa is an illusion-type Zanpakutō.[2]

  • Шикай: Команда высвобождения Мурамасы — «Шепчи» (囁け, сасаякэ). Muramasa shines with bright purple light to engulf a considerable radius, affecting any and all targets within it.
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Kōga releases Muramasa.

Shikai Special Ability: Upon release Muramasa glows purple and releases a 360 degree wave of purple energy into the surrounding area causing all Zanpakutō in that area to turn on their wielder. The Zanpakutō will move on their own against their wielder's will and attack their allies or even turn against their own wielder. This power is shown to affect around 10 individuals at once.[1] It can cause a Zanpakutō's spirit to abandon its master and attack them.[3] The only way to combat against Muramasa's power is by understanding how the Zanpakutō works and sealing one's "heart" against it. Though in order to block the attack in that state one must have incredible reiatsu and concentration. In addition, one must be able to still fight in that state.[2]
  • Yūkōjōchū Muramasa (Flag of Japan 有鉤条虫村正 [Hooked Tapeworm Village-Just])Yūkōjōchū MuramasaFlag of Japan 有鉤条虫村正 [Hooked Tapeworm Village-Just]
    : upon a large explosion of spiritual energy, Muramasa manifests its true form into the real world. Muramasa himself has the ability to manifest in his true form and even can manifest himself at a distance from his master, able to hear his call from wherever he is. Muramasa can also manifest his sealed sword form and engage his powers independently of Kōga's command.[1]
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Muramasa manifests several Zanpakutō spirits.

  • Zanpakutō Manifestation: Muramasa generates a burst of energy that affects the Zanpakutō of all in the vicinity. When this takes place, the Zanpakutō of other wielders glow with a purple light. Their Zanpakutō spirits then manifest, typically as tangible shadowy figures from weaker Shinigami and with greater individuality and power from stronger Shinigami.[1] Muramasa can break into the inner world of targets, similar to how a tape-worm leeches off its target, and forces them to bend to the user's will. This is done by removing the energy stability between Shinigami and Zanpakutō, leaving the spirit confused and allowing Muramasa to forcibly release the Zanpakutō spirit's negative emotions.[6].
  • Банкай: Не достигнут


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  • (To Muramasa) "I only have enemies. Everybody hates me. I kill before being killed. To survive, of course I would. Why am I hated? Why do I have power? This power brings disaster? Or not?"[2]
  • (To Ginrei Kuchiki and Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto) "Ideals of perfection doesn't exist. What exists of the following ideas is the discovery that these things are impossible to realize, the loss of hope. But it is with despair that can reach your greatest hidden power. It is the despair that breaks its limits. Frees his heart to act as you wish. Who has the power is going to dictate the rules! Even if that power is black and ugly. By winning, this blackness becomes the color of real justice!"[2]
  • (To Muramasa) "You're nothing but a nuisance. Instead of using an unstable power like your, my own power is enough. A Zanpakutō is just an object. There will always be one for replacement."[4]
  • (To Byakuya Kuchiki) "No matter the results that I could get, no one accepted me! I was condemned as a traitor and imprisoned me! So I'll create my own place! The rule is to have power! I'll be the new emperor of the world!"[4]
  • (To Byakuya Kuchiki) "Relationship with other people? I don't need that "power"! My power is simply an extreme power where no one is accepted!"[4]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 Bleach Серия 250
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 Bleach anime; Episode 251
  3. 3,0 3,1 Bleach anime; Episode 248
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок e252 не указан текст
  5. Bleach anime; Episode 255
  6. Bleach anime; Episode 257

