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Эта статья о материализации духовного меча Ренджи Абарая. Для информации о самом мече и его способностях, см. Забимару.

Забимару (Flag of Japan 蛇尾丸 [Дзабимару], Flag of Japan змеиный хвост)ЗабимаруFlag of Japan 蛇尾丸 [Дзабимару]
Flag of Japan змеиный хвост
— воплощение духовного меча Ренджи Абарая.


Несмотря на то, что ранее Забимару был показан, как обезьяна со змеёй вместо хвоста. В филлерной арке "Восстание мечей", Забимару предстаёт в форме женщины и ребёнка.

В течение сражения, Забимару неоднократно говорили, что Ренджи Абарай слабак и должен стать сильнее.

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Note: Events occurring in the Zanpakutō Rebellion are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Хоть в форме духа Забимару и выглядит, как белый бабуин со змеёй в виде хвоста. Обе эти головы имеют собственное мнение и общаются независимо друг от друга, хотя змея и не управляет телом в отличии от бабуина. Также на их теле можно увидеть пурпурную татуировку покрывающую спину и руки. [1]

Вовремя Восстания Занпакто случившимся по вине Мурамаса, Забимару принимает форму двух гуманоидов; взрослой женщины и маленького мальчишки с длинным змеиным хвостом. Парень привязан к женщине цепью крепящейся к ошейнику который он может снять по желанию.[2] Женщина, Сару (Flag of Japan [Обезьяна])СаруFlag of Japan [Обезьяна]
, высока и покрыта зелёной шерстью по всему телу за исключением верхней части груди и центра живота. Её волосы серо-розового цвета с чёрными узорами на локонах. У неё светло-зелёные глаза и красивое тату на левой части груди. Цепь намотана вокруг её талии. Парень, Хеби (Flag of Japan [Змея])ХебиFlag of Japan [Змея]
, одет в бело-жёлтую робу доходящую ему чуть выше пупка. У него синие глаза, короткие красные волосы и заострённые белые уши. И у Сару и у Хеби есть клыки.[3]


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Note: Events occurring in the Zanpakutō Rebellion are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

While both heads have individual personalities, both are very competitive, often wanting to avenge any losses they incur as soon as possible. While both of them have a firm resolve, the baboon is much calmer in expressing his desires. The snake, however, is very impertinent, and will insult Renji when he is unhappy with a situation. When they confront Renji Abarai while he is recovering from his defeat at the hands of Ichigo Kurosaki, the baboon asserts that he is healed and ready to fight while the snake insults Renji for not recovering more speedily.[4]

While under the influence of Muramasa's brainwashing, Saru is usually the one who does the serious talking to their opponents, and frequently disciplines Hebi when he misbehaves. She occasionally downplays the significance of events, such as the drastic difference between her spirit and manifested forms.[3] Saru can be very cruel, threatening to decapitate Rukia Kuchiki and show Renji her head in order to make him fight her and Hebi seriously. She believes true strength is not found only in having the will to fight, but in the will to kill one's opponent.[5] Meanwhile, Hebi is fascinated by frogs, eagerly watching one hop around while waiting for Muramasa's return.[6] He is rarely serious in conversation, and gets angry at Saru when she reprimands him for this.[3] Hebi does not like fighting one-sided battles, and will complain if he overpowers his opponent too easily.[5] However, though they frequently get into arguments with each other, in battle, Saru and Hebi manage to set aside their differences and work together as a team very effectively.[3][5]

Saru and Hebi are very critical of Renji, calling him an idiot and claiming he is weak.[3] They left Renji because they wanted to grow stronger, and were tired of Renji's weakness. Saru claims Renji is a coward, and believes his weakness lies in the fact that he cannot muster the courage to kill his own Zanpakutō spirit, which is why she and Hebi wish to kill him.[5] However, they are visibly impressed when Renji gains the will to fight them seriously, and congratulate him when Renji defeats them.[7]

After being freed from Muramasa's brainwashing, Saru is somewhat rude toward Renji, implying she and Hebi take after him and sarcastically congratulating him when Renji figures out what she is saying.[8] She maintains a healthy antagonism toward Renji, vocally refusing to "clean up" after him in battle.[9] Saru is usually the one to keep Hebi on-task, and berates him when Hebi messes around. However, she cares about him, and becomes deeply concerned when Hebi abandons her and Renji in order to live life on his own.[10] Meanwhile, Hebi is very critical of Muramasa and his goals, referring to the Zanpakutō Rebellion as "ridiculous".[7] He is still not serious in conversation, whining to Renji about being hungry while the latter is reporting to several captains, and can be very stubborn, refusing to return to sword form when Renji orders him to do so.[8] Hebi frequently insults Saru for having a large bottom.[9] He is easily distracted by wildlife, and will ignore his mission in order to pursue any animals he sees. Additionally, Hebi temporarily leaves Saru and Renji because he wishes to be free, and has fun eating lots of food and lazing around, though he comes to care about Karin Kurosaki and grows serious when he realizes the Boomerang Tōjū tricked him.[10] Saru and Hebi claim to have "unfinished business" with Senbonzakura, and are very confident in their own abilities.[11] Additionally, they refuse to stop fighting until they have nothing left.[12] Saru and Hebi can be overconfident in battle, allowing the Hammer Tōjū to recover while they were being praised for seemingly defeating him. They do not like being compared to Senbonzakura, and frequently deride his secretly childish nature.[2]

Силы и способности

Высокий показатель духовной силы: Так как данный Занпакто на духовном уровне капитана Синигами, у Сару и Хеби высокий показатель духовной силы. Они с лёгкостью победили Ренджи одним лишь шикаем [3][5] также они сражались наравне против Senbonzakura пусть и короткое время, до того, как он активировал свой Банкай.[11] Даже по одиночки они достаточно сильны, Хеби одержал победу над одним из Тоджуу когда всё-таки решил сражаться серьёзно.[10] Их Реацу красное, также Хеби и Сару умеют достаточно хорошо управлять ей, что бы использовать, как щит против атак.[7]

Мастерское фехтование: Сару и Хеби профессионалы в фехтовании. Они сражались против Ренджи и Сенбонзакуры, мастерских мечников, выполняя быстрые выпады, акробатические трюки, и сильные атаки используя Шикай.[3][5][11]

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  • Whip Mastery: Saru and Hebi have displayed incredible proficiency with the extended form of their Shikai. They have considerable control over where and how the segments move when they attack, and can effectively use their Shikai for long-range combat.[5] Hebi has used Zabimaru to attack his opponents from several angles at once by surrounding them with blade segments and pulling, resulting in his opponent being crushed and slashed by a rotating sphere of blade segments.[10]

Enhanced Strength: Saru and Hebi possess a large amount of physical strength. They frequently throw each other around with their chain, and can attack with enough force to accidentally crater the ground upon hitting it.[3] During their fight, Saru sent Renji flying into a building with a single slash of her sword on two separate occasions, and Hebi effortlessly threw Renji around with his tail.[5] Saru is strong enough to run up the side of a building on all fours.[7] During their battle with Senbonzakura, Saru casually kicked him through a building.[11] Hebi easily blocked a direct attack from the large, muscular Hammer Tōjū, and Saru managed to temporarily knock him out with a single kick to the head. Saru can easily bend steel bars with her bare hands.[2]

Enhanced Speed: Saru and Hebi are considerably fast combatants. They effortlessly kept up with Renji, a Shunpo expert, during their battle, and initially overwhelmed him with their speed.[3][5] During their battle with Senbonzakura, Saru and Hebi easily matched his speed, and even outmaneuvered Senbonzakura a few times.[11] Hebi effortlessly dodged several point-blank attacks from the Hammer Tōjū during their short battle.[2]

Enhanced Endurance: Saru and Hebi are considerably resilient combatants. They managed to get up in order to fight Byakuya Kuchiki despite having been severely wounded by Senbonzakura Kageyoshi a few minutes before.[12] Hebi willingly allowed himself to be beaten nearly to death in order to protect Karin Kurosaki, and managed to remain standing afterwards.[10]

Keen Intellect: Saru is a very perceptive individual. She figured out how to operate the controls for the Tōjū containment devices after watching Renji do so a few times.[2]

Духовный меч

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  • Shikai: Saru and Hebi can manifest the Shikai of their Zanpakutō form at will in a burst of red Reiatsu. It takes the form of a long, 6-part segmented sword with a rectangular, jagged bronze tsuba and a black handle; starting from the hilt, each segment is wider than the one preceding it, and there are 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front being much longer than the ones on the back.[3] The number of segments can grow almost without limit. However, Saru and Hebi cannot both wield their Shikai at the same time, and must switch it between each other when attacking.[5]
Shikai Special Ability: Saru and Hebi can use their Shikai for powerful long-range attacks by swinging it at their opponent, causing the segments to separate in a whip-like formation. This allows for a variety of attacks, ranging from a downward slash which pulls an opponent with it[5] to a web of blade segments which crushes and slashes an opponent from dozens of angles at once.[10] However, they can still use it as a sword for close-range combat.[3][5]
  • Bankai: Hihiō Zabimaru (Flag of Japan 狒々王蛇尾丸 [Baboon King Snake Tail])Hihiō ZabimaruFlag of Japan 狒々王蛇尾丸 [Baboon King Snake Tail]
    : Upon activation, a whirlwind forms around Saru and Hebi before dispersing as Hebi transforms into a large, skeletal snake with dozens of bone-like segments making up his vertebral column and a large mane of red fur around his head. The snake is attached to a bone-like sword hilt, which Saru holds and uses to control Hihiō Zabimaru.[7]
Bankai Special Ability: Hihiō Zabimaru can be used for powerful long- and short-range attacks. It can pin its opponent between its teeth and ram them into buildings, or follow them through the air and deliver powerful biting attacks. Additionally, Saru claims it is more potent than Renji's Bankai is because it has no blind spots.[7]
  • Hikotsu Taihō (Flag of Japan 狒骨大砲 [Baboon Bone Cannon])Hikotsu TaihōFlag of Japan 狒骨大砲 [Baboon Bone Cannon]
    : As its segments separate in bursts of red energy, Hihiō Zabimaru fires a powerful, concentrated energy beam from its mouth. This technique is powerful enough to completely destroy the Shinigami Research and Development Institute with a single use.[2] Additionally, Hihiō Zabimaru can fire smaller blasts at its opponent, but these blasts are less powerful.[7]

Дополнительная информация

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*Zabimaru's appearance is similar to that of an omake from both the anime and the manga, when Mayuri Kurotsuchi gave out a pamphlet about altering Zanpakutō spirits to Renji and Hisagi. One of the choices involved changing the Zanpakutō spirit's gender and species (they briefly imagine a well-endowed female Zabimaru with red hair), which both were amazed by and which Renji comically asked Mayuri to do. However, Renji does not recognize Saru's manifested form, and is confused as to how Saru took such a form.[3]
  • The spirit form of Zabimaru appears on a karuta card in episode 303.


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  • (Saru and Hebi to Renji Abarai) "We both heard the voice. It told us to follow our instinct, and we will fight because that is our true instinct!"[3]
  • (Saru to Renji Abarai) "We refuse to be weak. We want to be stronger. We've grown tired of your weakness, so we now wish to leave you, and that is all."[5]
  • (Saru to Renji Abarai) "Have you forgotten that we know everything about you? Like the time you gave up something that was very dear to you. We saw how desperately you tried to get it back. You fought for it then, yet in spite of what you did, you still don't have confidence in yourself. Perhaps killing your precious friend and holding her severed head in front of your face will finally get you to be serious. Will that force you to take this seriously?"[5]
  • (Saru to Renji Abarai) "True strength is not just about having the ability to fight."[5]
  • (Hebi to Saru) "I've been thinking about it, and I'm not so sure I want to spend all of my time chained to you anymore! I'm finally able to exercise some free will! I don't want to be bound to you anymore!"[10]
  • (Hebi to himself) "I've always wanted to stuff my face without being told to mind my manners! This is a dream come true!"[10]
  • (Hebi, to the Boomerang Tōjū) "Having friends around is a privilege."[10]


  1. Bleach manga; Chapter 118, page 2
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 Bleach anime; Episode 263
  3. 3,00 3,01 3,02 3,03 3,04 3,05 3,06 3,07 3,08 3,09 3,10 3,11 3,12 Bleach anime; Episode 234
  4. Bleach manga; Chapter 118, pages 2-3
  5. 5,00 5,01 5,02 5,03 5,04 5,05 5,06 5,07 5,08 5,09 5,10 5,11 5,12 5,13 5,14 Bleach anime; Episode 235
  6. Bleach anime; Episode 230
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 Bleach anime; Episode 236
  8. 8,0 8,1 Bleach anime; Episode 237
  9. 9,0 9,1 Bleach anime; Episode 254
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 10,4 10,5 10,6 10,7 10,8 Bleach anime; Episode 258
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 11,4 Bleach anime; Episode 241
  12. 12,0 12,1 Bleach anime; Episode 242

